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The Higgs, The Universe and Everything

The Higgs, The Universe and Everything

The Particle at the End of the Universe is one of the best. Carroll's account provides an excellent account of what we have learnt about the particle realm, capturing the excitement of the hunt and the grandeur of what has been discovered. 

Dump the Warp Core...


Dump the Warp Core...

So, my take is that even if you can generate a spacewarp in the lab, a quick estimate says its gravitational effects would be billions or trillions of times below the threshold of detectability. The problem is not that warp drives are impossible, but that this description of them does not seem to be self-consistent.


Wrong On The Internet

Wrong On The Internet

Just when I thought the Weinstein/Einstein kerfuffle had wound down, it seems to have decided to go another round.

Trainwrecks I Have Seen...

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Trainwrecks I Have Seen...

Perhaps Weinstein has been breathing his own fumes for too long, and has managed to persuade du Sautoy that the usual standards of reproducibility, peer-review and the scrutiny of one's colleagues are just for the little people. And here Weinstein really is challenging Einstein: the Swiss-German patent clerk played by the rules.

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Time Capsule


Time Capsule

A year ago, my family and I moved home to New Zealand after 15 years in the United States.  We'd left New Zealand with suitcases, but returned with a 40-foot shipping container.A year later we are just getting to the bottom of the last of the boxes, where I discovered a 2001 copy of Pulp  -- a glossy New Zealand "fashion and lifestyle" magazine -- with me in it.